My Facebook Thoughts

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

How Much Power Does This Blog Have?

My mind is already packed for vacation. I had a wild weekend full of friends at a ballpark and family under an ocean in my front yard. I don't have a clue what's going on in the world right now outside my house.

I do have Facebook. Facebook is a social networking site where you can irritate your personal social network about where you're eating a bowl of Sugar Smacks, RIGHT NOW!

Facebook has another side. You can find current friends or past friends. It is an easy way to stay in touch. I don't live on Facebook, but I have found some great new connections.

Another interesting thing about Facebook is that if your friends have kids, you can get to know the "younger generation" on a bridge to the Generation Gap.

For example. I have a friend who I'll call Teardra. Teardra has a daughter in college, Shaunna, who I've seen videos of her singing. Awesome talent. I don't know her personally, but I think she has talent.

This morning I see she is trying to win a modeling contest where she needs people to vote.

I don't have another idea for a blog, so let's see how powerful my blog is.

Can we get my friend Teardra's daughter, Shaunna, a win?

Go to the following website;

Click on View Submissions Vote

Look for the following photo

Click to vote


You can vote once per day until June 29th.

If Shaunna wins we can all say we helped.

If she becomes a huge star maybe she will provide me with blogging material in the future.

Go vote!


bill said...

how about a link to her singing?

Paul_F said...

She was on one of the earlier pages. You can vote once every 24 hours per IP.

Hey, this is Chicago! Vote early and often!

Mark Ploch said...

Her video is in Facebook. I'll try to get a link.

Shaunna said...

Mark, thank you thousands of times over. I'm in tears, I am forever grateful for your continuing support :) And thank you to all who are helping my DREAM become a REALITY!! Your kindness and thoughtfulness will never go unappreciated.

The following link is in response to Bill, this is a video clip from my second-cousin's wedding where I had the honor of singing the "Ave Maria" at the ceremony. Enjoy :)

bill said...

thanks Shaunna. i will listen when i get home. i don't have a facebook account so i will have to have one of my kids log on. good luck.

Jeff said...

Too much power to the blog Captain!!! She's gonna blow!!! Jettison the warp core or I canna be responsible for the safety of the ship!!!

I vote for Shaunna! She is HOT!!!
Click click click click click click click click click click click click...

Shaunna said...

Haha, thank you Jeff :)

Mark Ploch said...


Funny, but remember she's still my friends daughter.

Tara said...

I voted, she has a beautiful voice.

Jeff said...

So what... Every girl is someone's daughter. There's no getting around that part. You guys are all just old and you have wives and kids... I'll bring you all a sweater, make you a cup of tea and turn on Matlock for you...(right after I go vote for Shaunna again...haha!)

Mark Ploch said...

I prefer Chi, thank you.

Jeff said...

Haha! I'm going to spike it with Bailey's...

Mark Ploch said...

What a nice young man

Anonymous said...


Mark Ploch said...

Apparently anony has not voted

Jeff said...

Well, you know that conservatives hate women... I have two computers. I'm going to vote twice a day.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeffey,

How is it hanging?