No Gay Parade Scheduled In Burma Mr. Hagee

I was reading about the devastating news out of Burma, officially Myanmar.
(I chose to call it Burma as that was the democratic name before the military took over.)
This morning the death tolls are estimated at over 50,000 people. The cyclone has done tremendous damage and the world is on the way to help.
This disaster got me thinking about my new friend John Hagee,can I call you J-Hag?. J-Hag is a personal friend of God himself. He knows God so well, he often speaks for Him. He told us that hurricane Katrina was sent to New Orleans because God was upset with a planned gay parade there. That makes sense.
So I figured the cyclone that hit Burma must have been done so for similar reasons. I did a Google on "Gay parades in Burma". Apparently, there were no parades scheduled, but maybe there was an impromptu parade we didn't hear about. Gays can be very spontaneous with their pride.
Maybe just maybe, J-Hag, is an ass. People of his ilk irritate me on so many levels. I despise when people use God to justify their small minded hatreds. If you follow their own logic of God, their logic fails them.
J-Hag believes God is perfect.
I think all people of faith would agree on this point.
God created all living things.
Again, all in favor say, "I".
Why would God want to destroy something He created? That would be an error on God and we just all agreed God is perfect.
So J-Hag, God wouldn't send hurricanes or cyclones, earthquakes, tornadoes, fires, floods, terrorists, flying toasters or Paris Hilton to destroy or punish anyone or anything He created.
Bad things happen to good and bad people. God just wants us to love each other and help when the bad things happen. God will punish or reward us when we see Him.

I was reading about the devastating news out of Burma, officially Myanmar.
(I chose to call it Burma as that was the democratic name before the military took over.)
This morning the death tolls are estimated at over 50,000 people. The cyclone has done tremendous damage and the world is on the way to help.
This disaster got me thinking about my new friend John Hagee,can I call you J-Hag?. J-Hag is a personal friend of God himself. He knows God so well, he often speaks for Him. He told us that hurricane Katrina was sent to New Orleans because God was upset with a planned gay parade there. That makes sense.
So I figured the cyclone that hit Burma must have been done so for similar reasons. I did a Google on "Gay parades in Burma". Apparently, there were no parades scheduled, but maybe there was an impromptu parade we didn't hear about. Gays can be very spontaneous with their pride.
Maybe just maybe, J-Hag, is an ass. People of his ilk irritate me on so many levels. I despise when people use God to justify their small minded hatreds. If you follow their own logic of God, their logic fails them.
J-Hag believes God is perfect.
I think all people of faith would agree on this point.
God created all living things.
Again, all in favor say, "I".
Why would God want to destroy something He created? That would be an error on God and we just all agreed God is perfect.
So J-Hag, God wouldn't send hurricanes or cyclones, earthquakes, tornadoes, fires, floods, terrorists, flying toasters or Paris Hilton to destroy or punish anyone or anything He created.
Bad things happen to good and bad people. God just wants us to love each other and help when the bad things happen. God will punish or reward us when we see Him.
The world would like to help but the military regime that runs Myanmar won't allow or accept it. Hagee must be proud.
J-Hag should call God and ask Him to do something.
great post Mark, can I link it?
All my blogs are free to link.
First Barack Obama jettisoned his own personal pastor, whose "incendiary'' remarks about race and power had raised questions about the candidate's own judgment.
Now John McCain has rejected another controversial pastor - who in turn withdrew his own endorsement for the senator from Arizona today - after word surfaced of yet more "incendiary'' remarks by the conservative Christian about Jews.
For McCain, it's a question of the support of the Rev. John Hagee, who is reported to have said in the late '90s that Nazi's were doing the Lord's work in shepherding Jews to Palestine. McCain had earlier disavowed other remarks of Hagee, an evangelical Christian who has been critical of the Catholic church, but had not revoked his endorsement.
Today, McCain demurred, yet suggested there is a difference between Obama's long-standing relationship with the now-retired Rev. Jeremiah Wright, who was his pastor at Trinity United Church of Christ, and his own relationship with Hagee, simply a campaign supporter.
"I find these remarks and others deeply offensive and indefensible, and I repudiate them,'' McCain said of Hagee's lately revealed words. "I did not know of them before Rev. Hagee's endorsement, and I feel I must reject his endorsement as well.
"I have said I do not believe Sen. Obama shares Reverend Wright's extreme views,'' McCain added. "But let me also be clear, Rev. Hagee was not and is not my pastor or spiritual advisor, and I did not attend his church for twenty years. I have denounced statements he made immediately upon learning of them, as I do again today."
Hagee, for his part, released his own statement through a publicist today:
"Ever since I endorsed John McCain for president, people seeking to attack Sen. McCain have combed my records for statements they can use for political gain,'' Hagee said in a written statement. " They have had no qualms about grossly misrepresenting my position on issues most near and dear to my heart if it serves their political ambitions.
"I am tired of these baseless attacks and fear that they have become a distraction in what should be a national debate about important issues,'' the pastor said. "I have therefore decided to withdraw my endorsement of Sen. McCain for president effective today, and to remove myself from any active role in the 2008 campaign.... So that he may focus on the issues that are most important to America and the world.''
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