I'm Not Just A Father, I'm Also Peter Pan

My son had been sick over the weekend. Now, when my son gets sicks it's a mixed blessing. Imagine, if you will, a tornado that for a brief moment lifts off the ground and does no damage. That's what it was like this couple of days. In fairness, my son doesn't damage anything. He was blessed with unlimited amounts of energy. He loves to play and he loves to play with others. He wants you to experience everything he is experiencing, in real time.
I admit sometimes it is hard to keep up with him (his teacher is nodding her head right now). But, there are those moments when everything clicks at once. He slows down and we are traveling at the same speed. A window of opportunity opens up and it is parental joy. He's learning from me and I am learning from him.
Yesterday we were talking, a chat as he likes to call it, at bedtime. I had just given him a "tough-love" lesson about the importance of listening. I told him that learning to listen now will help him when he grows up. He asked if I will still be grown up when he gets older. I explained that I would, but I might have gray hair, less hair, and maybe some wrinkles.
Poor kid started to get teary and exclaim, "I don't want you to get old! Are you going to be BALD?"
I calmed him down and realized that with him around I will never get old. I can't promise the hair will always be there, but my child like heart will never go away. After he went to sleep I play a video game just to stay in shape.
Does anybody have the number for Men's Hair Club?

My son had been sick over the weekend. Now, when my son gets sicks it's a mixed blessing. Imagine, if you will, a tornado that for a brief moment lifts off the ground and does no damage. That's what it was like this couple of days. In fairness, my son doesn't damage anything. He was blessed with unlimited amounts of energy. He loves to play and he loves to play with others. He wants you to experience everything he is experiencing, in real time.
I admit sometimes it is hard to keep up with him (his teacher is nodding her head right now). But, there are those moments when everything clicks at once. He slows down and we are traveling at the same speed. A window of opportunity opens up and it is parental joy. He's learning from me and I am learning from him.
Yesterday we were talking, a chat as he likes to call it, at bedtime. I had just given him a "tough-love" lesson about the importance of listening. I told him that learning to listen now will help him when he grows up. He asked if I will still be grown up when he gets older. I explained that I would, but I might have gray hair, less hair, and maybe some wrinkles.
Poor kid started to get teary and exclaim, "I don't want you to get old! Are you going to be BALD?"
I calmed him down and realized that with him around I will never get old. I can't promise the hair will always be there, but my child like heart will never go away. After he went to sleep I play a video game just to stay in shape.
Does anybody have the number for Men's Hair Club?