Are You Going To The St. Joseph's Day Parade?

Everybody makes plans for St. Valentine's Day weeks in advance.
Millions line up for St. Patrick's Day parades all around the country.
But, what about my man St. Joseph? Traditionally the patron saint of Italy and Poland.
St. Joseph is like the middle child of saints. Even though he stepped up to marry to Mary when she was with child with Jesus. That's right, who's your Daddy? Joseph.
He was Jesus' Dad. Taught him how to be a carpenter, how to wear a robe, and rumor has it, he taught him how to whistle with two fingers in his mouth.
Where's St. Joseph's parade?
No offense to the Irish, but Polish and Italian food is way better. I love corned beef and, don't get me wrong. It's just that when you're in the mood to order out for food how many Irish take-out menus do you have in the drawer?
Where's St. Joseph's parade?
At weddings you're more likely to dance a polka than do the River Dance.
Where's St. Joseph's parade?
Single women don't have to fear St. Joseph's day because they don't have a date. And guys don't have to worry if they forgot to buy flowers, candy, or jewelery.
Where's St. Joseph's parade?
I know St. Joseph would be the last guy looking for a parade in his honor. Which is even more of a reason to honor him.
So I say get behind me because I'm leading this parade. Right to the first Italian restaurant or Polish deli I can find. Just leave me enough room to turn my giant pierogi float on the street.

Everybody makes plans for St. Valentine's Day weeks in advance.
Millions line up for St. Patrick's Day parades all around the country.
But, what about my man St. Joseph? Traditionally the patron saint of Italy and Poland.
St. Joseph is like the middle child of saints. Even though he stepped up to marry to Mary when she was with child with Jesus. That's right, who's your Daddy? Joseph.
He was Jesus' Dad. Taught him how to be a carpenter, how to wear a robe, and rumor has it, he taught him how to whistle with two fingers in his mouth.
Where's St. Joseph's parade?
No offense to the Irish, but Polish and Italian food is way better. I love corned beef and, don't get me wrong. It's just that when you're in the mood to order out for food how many Irish take-out menus do you have in the drawer?
Where's St. Joseph's parade?
At weddings you're more likely to dance a polka than do the River Dance.
Where's St. Joseph's parade?
Single women don't have to fear St. Joseph's day because they don't have a date. And guys don't have to worry if they forgot to buy flowers, candy, or jewelery.
Where's St. Joseph's parade?
I know St. Joseph would be the last guy looking for a parade in his honor. Which is even more of a reason to honor him.
So I say get behind me because I'm leading this parade. Right to the first Italian restaurant or Polish deli I can find. Just leave me enough room to turn my giant pierogi float on the street.
You have lost it
Don't turn your back on your patron saint.
MMMMMM pierogi's
Weak....very weak.
I'm half Irish, half Italian and not at all religious. St Patty's Day mean beer, would lasagna be the token meal for St Joseph's Day? It so, count me in.
Lasagna could be the token meal for any day of the week in my book.
Good post. My two middle names are Patrick and Joseph and they have always fought over this. Maybe now they can find peace......
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