Thank You Thank You Thank You (Can we do more?)
About a month ago I sent an email to my friends and family asking them to help my wife raise money for the Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA). She set her goal at $1600. As of this writing she has raised $1645 online and more offline.
This all because of you, our friends and family. We are so grateful for your generosity.
Because I have Spinal Muscular Atrophy I am "in the loop" as to how your money is spent. The MDA puts together a magazine called Quest. They write about all the things your money is doing to help people with MD. I invite you to read some of the issues. Amazing things are being discovered all the time.
The actual "Lock Up" event is August 5th. Donna will go there with many others to make calls to help raise the most possible dollars. She will be proud to represent your donations.
This will be the last time I mention this fundraiser to you, as I don't like to be pushy. If you have not had the chance to donate and would like to. Please visit;
And again, to everyone that already donated, Thank you.
Here is my picture from my first MDA Summer Camp 1972 (I'm the blonde).

About a month ago I sent an email to my friends and family asking them to help my wife raise money for the Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA). She set her goal at $1600. As of this writing she has raised $1645 online and more offline.
This all because of you, our friends and family. We are so grateful for your generosity.
Because I have Spinal Muscular Atrophy I am "in the loop" as to how your money is spent. The MDA puts together a magazine called Quest. They write about all the things your money is doing to help people with MD. I invite you to read some of the issues. Amazing things are being discovered all the time.
The actual "Lock Up" event is August 5th. Donna will go there with many others to make calls to help raise the most possible dollars. She will be proud to represent your donations.
This will be the last time I mention this fundraiser to you, as I don't like to be pushy. If you have not had the chance to donate and would like to. Please visit;
And again, to everyone that already donated, Thank you.
Here is my picture from my first MDA Summer Camp 1972 (I'm the blonde).

You were sooooo cute. Still are. Must run in the family!
Plocharczyk is Polish for gorgeous toe head.
The blond? I thought for sure you were the other one.
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