Worst Lawyer EVER!
If you live in the Chicagoland area you have probably seen the following video of the 250 pound Chicago Police officer beating the snot out of the 125 pound female bartender because she refused to continue serving the drunk man.
Well, that happened over two years ago. The court case was concluded yesterday. The 250 pounder was found guilty of aggravated battery. That didn't surprise me as the video was rather compelling. What did surprise me was his lawyer's strategy. The 1/8 ton man was claiming SELF DEFENSE. He feared for his safety when the diminutive drink tosser helped gigantor into the wall and floor after he went behind the bar.
His lawyer must not have watched the video or understand basic physics. Read this story and you'l laugh out loud at the other testimony he gave.
Gotta love the legal system.
If you live in the Chicagoland area you have probably seen the following video of the 250 pound Chicago Police officer beating the snot out of the 125 pound female bartender because she refused to continue serving the drunk man.
Well, that happened over two years ago. The court case was concluded yesterday. The 250 pounder was found guilty of aggravated battery. That didn't surprise me as the video was rather compelling. What did surprise me was his lawyer's strategy. The 1/8 ton man was claiming SELF DEFENSE. He feared for his safety when the diminutive drink tosser helped gigantor into the wall and floor after he went behind the bar.
His lawyer must not have watched the video or understand basic physics. Read this story and you'l laugh out loud at the other testimony he gave.
Gotta love the legal system.
It was worth a try. If his client didn't want to plead guilty and have no chance at keeping his job, this might have been his only option.
Wow. First I have heard or seen from it. What is the sentence he is up for? Is he still a policeman?
The girl should have kept out of it. He looks like a fine man.
The legal system is set up for this type of defense. To us it does look silly but his lawyer is paid to do this.
Tara he is a Chicago police officer who is in the process of being fired. This offense is good for 2-5 years but he'll probably get probation.
CF I hope you are joking.
The girl couldn't "stay out of it". The thug came behind her bar when told not to. He wanted more to drink, when clearly, he'd had his fill.
I know his lawyer had nothing to work with. How much did this trial cost taxpayers? It was an open and shut case.
I'm Back!!!!! When astronomers thought they had found my home planet of Krypton, I had to go there to see for myself. As it turns out it has been destroyed and is no more. Therefore, I have returned! Actually, when I left before I thought it was for good because I didnt want to disrespect Mark and his blog site by bickering with people that I thought were his friends. However, I have been informed by some in the inner circle that I was mistaken. Those people who shall remain anonymous (or cfandl or what ever he's calling himself at the moment) are just pissant conservatives who arent worthy to lick the bottoms of my Chuck Taylors.
I have seen the video and remember the incident two years ago. Is it any wonder that they're commonly refered to as pigs? What a pathetic, fat slob. Aren't there any conditioning requirements for our "nation's finest"? Don't forget the the police captain tried to convince the victim later that evening to let it all go. How sad that such abuse of authority is so second nature to our nation's police force. They have brought their bad public image upon themselves. Maybe that's the best the lawyer could come up with in light of some truely damning video...
Well, we shouldn't let one fat, drunken, spoiled apple ruin the whole bushel. Even if this guy was at the bottom of said bushel.
True. I'm sure there are some good cops out there. Unfortunatly, the bad ones get all the press and make it difficult to notice the good ones...
All the bad crap gets the press. It really is not a good system.
There really is no such thing as an open and shut case. Remember OJ?
I'm not defending this officer. His attorney has to do all he can to get him out of it. He was found guilty and that's all that matters.
If you were the lawyer what would you have done?
I would have pleaded no contest to possible get a shorter sentence.
Not guilty was a foolish plea with that video evidence.
And fearing for his safety was just begging for a stupid judge.
I'm sure the attorney tried for it but he wanted to take the stand. The lawyer can only do what the client asks.
Imagine if they ever catch Bin Laden and you'll see how many lawyers want to represent him.
I was in traffic court once and a guy tried to tell the judge that it wasn't his fault that he rear-ended this other guy because he was eating a pizza and it when he went for another piece he had burned his fingers and wasn't able to stop. I kid you all not...people will say anything no matter how dumb it sounds.
All to stupid to be made up.
Check out
Jeff - Thank Ja your back!!! I can't wait to read your posts. BTW, who are you and when did you leave and what is this inner circle you refer to? Can I get a membership card?
Hahaha! I'm still on the waiting list. It's all who you know...
Are you a real capitalist pig or one of those new "socialized capitalist pigs"? Because we've got enough of those running around...
...Oh and BTW keep my MIA status on the QT 24/7 or OMG! LOL! XOXO
Cant sleep...
Here are some good links:
http://www.rationalradio.org/ you can listen live all day! Great progressive line-up. Check out "The Mike Malloy Show" He's my hero.
http://www.zeitgeistmovie.com/ I think I've said all I can say on previous posts.
http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/ News (and babes) from across the pond.
http://www.coasttocoastam.com/ I want to believe.
http://www.slate.com/ A conservative site but they have Christopher Hitchens (another of my heroes) He despises religion even more than I do. Always good to know what the enemy is
up to especialy when you're planning your next attack in the war on christmas.
Great videos from his show, new rules, blogs, schedule, guestlists and stuff. (yet another hero) Check out his movie "Religulous" too. Hilarious!
Ok...I'm being told
i have to force myself to try and go to sleep now. Which is weird because there's nobody here but me...I think. Creepy...
Jeff - I'm the real thing baby! No socialist capatalism for me. Pure unadulterated capitalism. That's what I like!
that is the worst defense i have ever heard.
i read a comment that this was a bench trail (not a jury trial) because they thought they could pressure the judge to let him off.
with that defense, not so much.
i know some of the police officers in our town and they are great guys. they live and work in the same town. they are completely integrated into our grade school system so they know the kids and the kids know them.
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