Reality Check, Please!

I'm a voyeur and I admit.
In this world of reality TV being a voyeur is easy and less creepy. I'm not sure why I enjoy reality TV. Maybe it's because being in a wheelchair people are always steering at me and reality TV gives me the opportunity to turn the tables. With that quick psychoanalysis aside, let's talk TV.
I do watch American Idol. I equally enjoy the first few weeks of each season, when they highlight the losers, as the final weeks. After 8 seasons, though, all the singers start sounding the same to me. I still haven't seen any of those real angry losers that sing like cats with their tails in an electrical outlet anywhere. The ones that get told they can't sing and they storm off giving people the finger saying,
"Those judges don't know anything. You'll see, I'll be back and I'll laugh in Simon's face."
Still have not seen them anywhere.
There are other reality TV shows that you may not have seen that are oddly entertaining. For example, True Beauty, ABC Monday's at 9PM (Central). The concept, take really physically attractive people and tell them you're judging their looks. What the pretty people don't realize is that they are also being judged on their inner beauty. They have undercover actors fake problems to see how they react. If you enjoy seeing the ugly underbelly of the pretty people of the world, this show is for you. The sad part about this show is that we see how the world treats people who are deemed attractive. The attractive people will always be treated better. But, it is sweet to see them get put into their place just once. Being one of the unattractive people of the world, I love this show.
I caught a small glimpse of Confessions of A Teen Idol, VH1, the other night and was laughing at how far down producers will go to scrape the bottom of the barrel. The concept, group together a bunch of pretty boy has beens to discuss why they are has beens. The quality of this show can be summed up in two words. Adrian Zmed (that's not a joke).
I don't dig the Duggers. The Duggers are the family with 18 children. Their reality TV show is called 17 Kids and Counting, TLC, they can't even name the show correctly there're so many kids. The show follows the life of the Duggers and what it is like to have 18 kids. The family is very conservative Christian. No drinking, dancing, kissing, sex before marriage, debt, and television.
A family that limits the watching of television has a television show. That seems a wee bit hypocritical to me. This weekend the family's oldest son got married to the girl he swears he never even kissed. Abstinence is fine. But this family is so preoccupied with no sex they end up talking about sex a lot. Very weird to me. At their son's wedding they also made a point about not drinking alcohol. Being Christians they knowing that Jesus had made water into wine they had to explain why they don't allow drinking. They rewrite the bible to mean that Jesus really made "grape juice" not wine. Must be nice to be so above the rest of us that you can rewrite the bible.
The Duggers are not the first people to have a HUGE family. They're just the first to do it on TV. I have a friend who is one of 15 kids. The Fender family (not their real names) had 15 kids. They raised their kids in a house built for 5 people at the most. No TV show, no rewritting the bible and dancing is fine. I'll hang with the Fenders thank-you. Their parties are more fun.

I'm a voyeur and I admit.
In this world of reality TV being a voyeur is easy and less creepy. I'm not sure why I enjoy reality TV. Maybe it's because being in a wheelchair people are always steering at me and reality TV gives me the opportunity to turn the tables. With that quick psychoanalysis aside, let's talk TV.
I do watch American Idol. I equally enjoy the first few weeks of each season, when they highlight the losers, as the final weeks. After 8 seasons, though, all the singers start sounding the same to me. I still haven't seen any of those real angry losers that sing like cats with their tails in an electrical outlet anywhere. The ones that get told they can't sing and they storm off giving people the finger saying,
"Those judges don't know anything. You'll see, I'll be back and I'll laugh in Simon's face."
Still have not seen them anywhere.
There are other reality TV shows that you may not have seen that are oddly entertaining. For example, True Beauty, ABC Monday's at 9PM (Central). The concept, take really physically attractive people and tell them you're judging their looks. What the pretty people don't realize is that they are also being judged on their inner beauty. They have undercover actors fake problems to see how they react. If you enjoy seeing the ugly underbelly of the pretty people of the world, this show is for you. The sad part about this show is that we see how the world treats people who are deemed attractive. The attractive people will always be treated better. But, it is sweet to see them get put into their place just once. Being one of the unattractive people of the world, I love this show.
I caught a small glimpse of Confessions of A Teen Idol, VH1, the other night and was laughing at how far down producers will go to scrape the bottom of the barrel. The concept, group together a bunch of pretty boy has beens to discuss why they are has beens. The quality of this show can be summed up in two words. Adrian Zmed (that's not a joke).
I don't dig the Duggers. The Duggers are the family with 18 children. Their reality TV show is called 17 Kids and Counting, TLC, they can't even name the show correctly there're so many kids. The show follows the life of the Duggers and what it is like to have 18 kids. The family is very conservative Christian. No drinking, dancing, kissing, sex before marriage, debt, and television.
A family that limits the watching of television has a television show. That seems a wee bit hypocritical to me. This weekend the family's oldest son got married to the girl he swears he never even kissed. Abstinence is fine. But this family is so preoccupied with no sex they end up talking about sex a lot. Very weird to me. At their son's wedding they also made a point about not drinking alcohol. Being Christians they knowing that Jesus had made water into wine they had to explain why they don't allow drinking. They rewrite the bible to mean that Jesus really made "grape juice" not wine. Must be nice to be so above the rest of us that you can rewrite the bible.
The Duggers are not the first people to have a HUGE family. They're just the first to do it on TV. I have a friend who is one of 15 kids. The Fender family (not their real names) had 15 kids. They raised their kids in a house built for 5 people at the most. No TV show, no rewritting the bible and dancing is fine. I'll hang with the Fenders thank-you. Their parties are more fun.
Those Fenders sound like cool people.
I have a Fender Strat.
Do I qualify?
Are they related to Freddie Fender?
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