Release The Hot Air
Today is the day. One thing that is for sure today is that George friggin' Bush's name is not on the ballot.After all the hot air today is the day we vote.I just hope that whoever wins tonight they really get to work on fixing this country.That's it from me.
i don't care who wins either as long as it isn't john mccain. we won't survive another 4 years of the president yelling at the rest of the world to get off his lawn.
That's a funny picture. I can totally see him out there getting the morning paper in his robe.
This is the most excited I have been to vote, since I voted for Reagan in 1980 (my first time voting for president). Ironically, hopefully today will be the end of that era of supply-side "voo-doo" (to borrow a phrase) economics.
The only time I was more moved to vote was in 1992. Bush v. Clinton.
The voting location was not accessible. I had to vote in the back of my van in the presence of two voting judges. The situation required me to lean far forward to reach the candidates names. Well, My stomach was a little bloated that night. I didn't want to embarrass myself by "decreasing" my internal air pressure, which I almost did if I had reached all the way to Clinton. Bush got my vote because of gas. Funny I always thought he was an oil man.
God Bless America!
ha! great story.
I like eggs.
Thank you for that scary yet moving story. I hope you fast or at the very least take some Gas-X before voting this time around so the right choices are made, and other voters are out of harms way!
Clinton won 92 so his no fart didn't matter
I voted at home this year.
All of America was out of harms way.
I likes all kinds of eggs.
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