Holy Crap!

I'm not sure what happened. Each week I get a report detailing the average number of people visiting this blog. A few months ago the average was 12. I'm totally serious. It was a blow to my ego that I could call more people on the phone faster than getting people to read my blog. But, I was OK with that. Then after a few months and some emails promoting my blog my average went up to 26. I was pumped up. Then this morning my weekly report came in. My average went up to 91. I had to check the figures three times. Then I thought, crap. I haven't written anything new in a few days.
Welcome all new readers. Please feel free to express yourselves. I'm Mark. And I am here to entertain you, make you think, and make myself feel important by blogging.
I'll blog about anything really. Feel free to view older posts. In fact, I am taking credit for Obama being elected. I think this blog pushed his big car over the hump. My blog was like the little Who JoJo who "Yopped!" in the story "Horton Hears A Who". Oprah gets the big credit, but those of us here know the real truth. I'm just waiting for Obama to call with a cabinet post for me.
I try to point out things I find humorous in the world. Recently, you might have seen the following Sarah Palin turkey video:
What is hilarious, to me, is the guy doing his job in the back. He's doing his job, not a pretty job, but he seems to really be curious about what Palin is saying. He could just as easily be a barista in a Starbucks making a tall frappe latte. Gotta love Alaska.
At this blog all comments are welcome. We have some regulars. My brother, Scott, cousin Linda, Bill, an anonymous poster called CFandI, Tara, and lately Mar. We throw down, but always being respectful of each other. When my brother comments you can tell he's envious of my blogging success (whatever that means).
Lastly, I encourage you to tell your friends about things blog. My ultimate goal is to be discovered by Oprah. I can't do it without your help. So forward this blog to Bill Gates and he will send you either two tickets to Disney World or a Tommy Hilfiger shirt.

I'm not sure what happened. Each week I get a report detailing the average number of people visiting this blog. A few months ago the average was 12. I'm totally serious. It was a blow to my ego that I could call more people on the phone faster than getting people to read my blog. But, I was OK with that. Then after a few months and some emails promoting my blog my average went up to 26. I was pumped up. Then this morning my weekly report came in. My average went up to 91. I had to check the figures three times. Then I thought, crap. I haven't written anything new in a few days.
Welcome all new readers. Please feel free to express yourselves. I'm Mark. And I am here to entertain you, make you think, and make myself feel important by blogging.
I'll blog about anything really. Feel free to view older posts. In fact, I am taking credit for Obama being elected. I think this blog pushed his big car over the hump. My blog was like the little Who JoJo who "Yopped!" in the story "Horton Hears A Who". Oprah gets the big credit, but those of us here know the real truth. I'm just waiting for Obama to call with a cabinet post for me.
I try to point out things I find humorous in the world. Recently, you might have seen the following Sarah Palin turkey video:
What is hilarious, to me, is the guy doing his job in the back. He's doing his job, not a pretty job, but he seems to really be curious about what Palin is saying. He could just as easily be a barista in a Starbucks making a tall frappe latte. Gotta love Alaska.
At this blog all comments are welcome. We have some regulars. My brother, Scott, cousin Linda, Bill, an anonymous poster called CFandI, Tara, and lately Mar. We throw down, but always being respectful of each other. When my brother comments you can tell he's envious of my blogging success (whatever that means).
Lastly, I encourage you to tell your friends about things blog. My ultimate goal is to be discovered by Oprah. I can't do it without your help. So forward this blog to Bill Gates and he will send you either two tickets to Disney World or a Tommy Hilfiger shirt.
It's about time you got back at the keyboard. I passed your blog on to my friends and then you don't write anything. Get with the program. If you expect Oprah, Barack, and Bill Gates to ever be interested or read about your infinite thoughts of wisdom you better start giving us something to think about EVERYDAY. Well now that I gave you a piece of my mind I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving and send my love to the family. Cousin Linda
she was holding what looked like a starbucks coffee? i think that was probable some sort of starbucks/turkey farm drive through combination? not sure though?
Cousin Linda, thanks and geesh.
Bill, With the economy struggling harder than the turkeys in the video people need new ideas for commerce. I hereby trademark the name Starclucks.
Ploch, your a genius! Call the marketing department.
Hello marketing dept?
Get me a turkey and a cup of coffee.
Get your own turkey and coffee damnit
You're fired!
i searched on the domain name "starclucks", no one has taken it yet.
There might be a reason.
Starbucks would sue in a heartbeat
Now I'm almost tempted to buy that name. Imagine the press, big giant coffee corp suing little (watch it) man in wheelchair.
Oops, Big Brother at Experian is collecting data on you. Storing all this on you...name, age, address, preferences for turkey and Starbucks (in that order).
So that's who'se been following me at the grocery store.
Time for me to go underground.
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