Where's The Kool-Aid?

I try to be as open minded as possible. When I see good or bad ideas I try to be objective and honest with my opinions. I fear, sometimes, this has cost me friends over the years. But, I have to be me.
I watched each political party's national conventions. Ultimately, they are just really expensive pep rallys. The delegates on the floor are all zombies for their parties. They cheer and clap for whoever is speaking on stage.
I make no secret here that I support the Democrats more than the Republicans. Personally, I would have preferred Clinton as the VP choice. More people were energized during the primaries because Obama & Clinton were fresh faces of change. Biden is a good choice, but hardly inspirational. He fills the International experience gap that Obama's critics are sure to exploit. Together they make a good, not great ticket.
John McCain said one thing last night that I agree with. He said politicians should share ideas more and not worry about who gets credit. As much as I love that idea, it is a pipe dream. The delegates at the Republican Convention were clapping and cheering for Sarah Palin longer than they actually had heard of her. Unless you're part eskimo I doubt many knew who Sarah Palin was two weeks ago. My friend Bill (It might be his real name, but I'll never tell.) found this article about the "highly qualified" Sarah Palin.
We must get this country back on its feet. The Republicans have had eight years to create a huge mess. Nobody can disagree about that. There are no guarentees the Democrats will fix everything. I just want to stop digging the hole down, and start climbing up.

I try to be as open minded as possible. When I see good or bad ideas I try to be objective and honest with my opinions. I fear, sometimes, this has cost me friends over the years. But, I have to be me.
I watched each political party's national conventions. Ultimately, they are just really expensive pep rallys. The delegates on the floor are all zombies for their parties. They cheer and clap for whoever is speaking on stage.
I make no secret here that I support the Democrats more than the Republicans. Personally, I would have preferred Clinton as the VP choice. More people were energized during the primaries because Obama & Clinton were fresh faces of change. Biden is a good choice, but hardly inspirational. He fills the International experience gap that Obama's critics are sure to exploit. Together they make a good, not great ticket.
John McCain said one thing last night that I agree with. He said politicians should share ideas more and not worry about who gets credit. As much as I love that idea, it is a pipe dream. The delegates at the Republican Convention were clapping and cheering for Sarah Palin longer than they actually had heard of her. Unless you're part eskimo I doubt many knew who Sarah Palin was two weeks ago. My friend Bill (It might be his real name, but I'll never tell.) found this article about the "highly qualified" Sarah Palin.
We must get this country back on its feet. The Republicans have had eight years to create a huge mess. Nobody can disagree about that. There are no guarentees the Democrats will fix everything. I just want to stop digging the hole down, and start climbing up.
You know, the Kool Aid guy and McCain could be brothers.
The plot thickens.
Oooooh Yeahhhh!
"the hole", that you refer to, is something that democrats have to be careful of if they win the election. They are going to have to be very disiplined in thier approach to turning things around. The republicans have spent/stole all of the money and then some. Its going to be very difficult to support existing social programs or put new social programs in place with the current deficits.
Bill, there's this big social program in Iraq they could cut and save billions
After Iraq there will be less spending, way less spending. Which could bring on other problems as well. Climbing out of the hole will not be easy.
Oh damn! Now you gave me MORE to think about. I'm still confused!
check out this overview on military spending from wikipedia. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Military_budget_of_the_United_States
for some reason the link didn't show up correctly. it may be the length or something, so i separated it into three sections with a space. see if that helps?
Kathi the right choice is Obama/Biden. Confusion over.
I read today that Palin did not sell the plane on Ebay. It was posted but never sold. Some Alaskan businessman bought it.
Don't be fooled by the dress. That's a screw-the-regular-people-first republican in there.
We're still trying to dig out of the hole that Clinton caused....it's so deep it might take another 8 years.
If you want to have more money taken out of your paycheck (65% that is),
and if you want woman to be able to induce labor in the 3rd trimester (as if anytime is ok)and abort their perfectly healthy babies leaving them to die with no medical treatment,
and if you want to forfeit the war allowing the insurgents to teach more young men to become Muslim extremists desiring and taking joy in harming our country....
then yes, vote for Obama.
Because he wants to take more of the money you earn, and he was the only one is the Senate to stand up and fight to kill human beings, and he wants to send home our American heroes, who volunteered and want to be there and see good things happening in Iraq.
Have we forgotten 9/11 so soon? Have we forgotten that Saddam threatened us over and over again that he had nucelar weapons and he was given many opportunities to forfeit them or have his country searched and each time he backed out. The game he was playing needed to be stopped or we would have another disaster on American soil. Now we need to continue to build Iraq up and finish the job so that the terrorists will be no more.
Check out what President Bush had to say - http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2008/07/20080731.html
Now, I know it wasn't Saddam who took American lives on 9/11, but we're preventing a similar or worse situation from happening. It seems to be working. Have we been bombed lately?
Thank you for reading my lengthy comment.
ahhh...the political debate...alass...I am in support of the republican party and very much agree with McCain and Palin and alot of what the previous anonymous said!
Anonymous, I don't remember Clinton signing these checks to Iraq.
I don't remember our troops volunteering to go to Iraq.
Saddam had no nuclear weapon.
Have you been in a coma the past 8 years? Do you truly believe we are better today than we were 8 years ago?
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