Today is Monday.
The day after Super Bowl Sunday. Super Bowl Sunday is the day the world apparently stops spinning so the entire world can focus on the NFL championship.
Don't get me wrong, I love Super Bowl Sunday. In the past I have watched every minute of pre-game hullabalu, and liked it. But, we evolve and things change. Yesterday, I did something I, one, thought I would never do and two, never thought I would admit.
I did something totally non-football related.
I went to see the Hannah Montana 3D movie.
There, I said it!
And furthermore, I liked it!
My son watches her show on the Disney channel. It's a silly little show with some catchy little tunes that get stuck in your head. But, it is something I feel safe letting my son watch. Which, in this day and age, is not as easy as you think.
So there I was at 10AM on Super Bowl Sunday at the front of the line of 200 pre-teens, their parents, and handful of other men over the age of 5. I didn't care. We ran into a friend of ours and their daughter sat with our son. They sang their hearts out for an hour 15 minutes.
My wife had dragged herself out despite a bad cold. I hadn't been out of the house in weeks because of the weather and wheelchair problems. It was a great day.
Maybe the fact that I changed my Super Bowl Sunday routine caused enough ripples in the cosmos to cause the lowly New York Giants to win the Super Bowl. That's my story and I'm going with it.
a lesser man would not have been able to make the temporal shift from "Hannan" to the SUPER BOWL, in the same day and not pulled a brain muscle or something. it was the top movie this weekend, so maybe there is something to your theory.
I'll go with that.
You should be ashamed!
I have no problem with you doing this as long as you at least attempted to sneak out of the theater you were in and into "RAMBO".......
Sorry to disappoint all men.
I'm just glad MY Mark and I aren't the only parents of young boys who enjoy seeing Hannah Montana. I'm with you about letting them watch safe things. At least she's cute, too.
And, knowing that we live about 15 miles from her Tennessee home is a bonus in the boy's eyes, too!
I said Good day!
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