The media calls it Black Friday. The day after Thanksgiving when people get up early and jump start their Christmas shopping. For the last few years my wife and I have hit the stores on Black Friday. We easily get into the spirit of Christmas, not hard with a four year old in the house.
But, we also laugh at the people who are out shopping on Black Friday and complaining about the lines and the amount of other people shopping. These people are morons. It is made quite clear for weeks the day after Thanksgiving is going to be a wee bit crowded.
My wife and I happily headed to ground zero, Toys 'R Us. The parking lot was full, but there were 2 wheelchair spots open right up front, bingo.
Side note: Thanks to the Orland Police for keeping an eye on those illegally parking in the wheelchair spots.
We enter the store and the end, the end of the check-out line is there. The wait to check-out for us was an hour and a half. It was Christmas shopping at its best. We had fun the whole time and we never complained. I was also in the midst of passing a kidney stone and I didn't complain about shopping. Oh yeah, I was also forced to sleep in my wheelchair the night before because the lift we use to transfer me into bed broke, and I didn't complain about shopping.
That night my brother-in-law, Dr. Jim Valek of Vista Family Medicine, stopped by to help fix my lift, prescribe some meds to help with the kidney stone, and and put up our Christmas Tree.
Let the Christmas season begin.
For all who might be wondering, I passed the stone Sunday morning.
I hate Christmas shopping. Not because of the lines, I just hate all of the commercialization of it.
BTW, people that camp out in lines for "sales" are playing right into retailers hands.
No reason to hate it, just do it on your own terms.
Merry Christmas.
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