I've been asked from time to time, where do you get your ideas for your blog? Well, I like to write about whatever is going on in the world around me. I also try to pick subjects that I hope will be interesting to you, the reader. Some days are easier than others. Today, I'm stuck.
Nothing happening of great interest in sports. Cleveland went up 3 games to 1 over Boston.
In Chicago entertainment an aging Van Halen was in concert here. I didn't go. I would have liked to, but it's the middle of the week and we'd need a sitter. I'd be a little embarrassed getting a baby-sitter to go see a Van Halen concert. It doesn't quite have the same edge it did when I was in high school. To be honest I have no recollection if I've seen Van Halen or not. I remember seeing my first concert, Journey, in 1983(it was a school night too, ROCK N' ROLL!). And yes Scott and Mike, they did sing "Lovin, Touchin', Squeezin'." Funny, I don't recall my last concert. Does Disney's Toy Story on Ice count?
I'm not too interested in being controversial. So I wont talk about politics, the war, religion or who will loose more weight Kirstie Ally or Valerie Bertinelli.
Because I feel I owe my readers something, I give you this graphic. I stumbled upon this during my web surfing. Click on the figure of a spinning dancer. The question, is the dancer spinning clockwise or counter-clockwise? Can you make it change direction?

If clockwise, then you use more of the right side of the brain and vice versa.
Most of us would see the dancer turning anti-clockwise though you can try to focus and change the direction; see if you can do it.
Most of us would see the dancer turning anti-clockwise though you can try to focus and change the direction; see if you can do it.
LEFT BRAIN FUNCTIONS uses logic detail oriented facts rule words and language present and past math and science can comprehend knowing acknowledges order/pattern perception knows object name reality based forms strategies practical safe | RIGHT BRAIN FUNCTIONS uses feeling "big picture" oriented imagination rules symbols and images present and future philosophy & religion can "get it" (i.e. meaning) believes appreciates spatial perception knows object function fantasy based presents possibilities impetuous risk taking |
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