Not too often do people celebrate or acknowledge odd number anniversaries of important dates. Today marks the 23rd year since my Dad died of a heart attack. It was a shocking event that turned our lives upside down.
In these past 23 years my family has shown we are a strong family. We have overcome many hardships together. We said good-bye to many close family members. We also said hello to many new family members.
I thought about the friends that were with my family the day my dad died. Most are still in our life. And some are now my family. It's not that anybody did anything grand, its just that they were there for support.
I've found out that my dad was a good dad. He wasn't our friend, but he was good to us. He provided for us with very little to work with. Yet, we never felt as we were missing out.
He and my Mom showed what a marriage is supposed to be. I utilize much of their example in my own marriage. When Dad died they had been married for 27 1/2 years. I'll be married for 20 years come September.
With my son I find myself saying things to him that my dad said to me. When you're young you don't get it. As an adult your brain just finds these hidden phrases and spews them out.
"Whether I'm right or wrong I'm always right."
"I'm your father, that's why!"
"B e a c a u s e I s a i d s o."
I think I can say I've thought about my father everyday since he died. I am who I am because of him. I tell my son about him often. My son reminds me of my Dad. Jimmy loves sports as much as my Dad did. My Dad would have been a great coach for my son. I get sad that they missed each others lives.
So I take pause this April 18th. 23 years ago my life changed forever by the passing of a man I shall never forget.
I love you Dad.