I have been enjoying family these past few weeks. I know many of you prayed when my father-in-law went missing. Those prayers and actions by many helped bring him home safely. To all of you I say thank you from the bottom, top and sides of my heart. He was home for Christmas and we couldn't have asked for a better gift.
I was talking to a co-worker today about just how fast this first decade of the new millennium has gone by. To me it has been a super fast ride. The highs have been awe inspiring and the lows have been gut wrenching. In the end it has all leveled out.
Ten years ago my wife was pregnant with triplets. After many years of trying were blessed times three. We decided to pick out their names well ahead of time;
Ten years ago I was working in downtown Chicago on Michigan Ave. making more money then I thought I would ever make and working with the best people I had ever met.
The new millennium was starting and it seemed like the whole world was getting a fresh new canvas to start making a painting for life. All our dreams were coming true and we were on top of the world.
Funny thing about being on top of the world, it's a long way down.
Shortly into the new millennium my wife and I lost the triplets. I also almost lost my wife too. We felt a crushing pain like none I would wish on my worst enemy. Our faith in God truly helped pull us through that dark time. Once again friends and family were there to help us as well.
Then the whole world changed on 9/11. The U.S. was given a new enemy to fight. I don't think anybody at that point in time would have imagined that nine years later we'd still be looking for and fighting to wipe out that evil stench. Today, we still have no idea when that toilet of human evil will finally be flushed.
Not long after 9/11 I lost that great job downtown. I knew it was going to happen. Corporations don't need big reasons for cutting jobs. 9/11 was just too big to overcome and many great workers were forced to seek new adventures of employment.
The saying that when God closes a door, he always opens a window couldn't be truer for the rest of the decade for us.
When we lost the triplets we decided and were comfortable with the idea of adoption. Donna's parents had adopted three awesome children via foster care so we knew we could do it too. We did all the things you needed to do. And in September of 2002 we had a foster child for 10 days. She was reunited with her father and we hope and pray she is still doing well.
Almost a year to the day we got our second foster child. A 3 month old infant named Jimmy. His presence has lifted, not only ours but every body he meets, hearts to a new level. For all the pain we felt by losing the triplets, we feel the joy in having Jimmy. He was adopted as quickly as a red taped process would allow, which is a miracle in itself. His life and ours was changed forever.

When many people were losing jobs involuntarily, my brother-in-law decided to quit his and start a private medical practice. At the time he asked me if I could build him a website for his new practice. Having never done so before, I of course said, "Yes". And Ploch Designs was born along with the precursor to Vista Family Medicine. Both of us are doing pretty well eight years later. I thank him for giving me all the opportunities he has over the years.
I've had to say good-bye to many great friends and family this past decade. My heart is a peace for my loved ones as I know they are in a much better place. I do miss all of them.
So here we are. On the doorstep of yet another new decade. If history has taught us anything we know that the next ten years will have its share of ups and downs. And the only thing that will remain constant will be our friends and family.
Bring on the next decade. I am ready. I am willing. And I've got my peeps by my side. I'll need them too because Jimmy will be driving in ten years.
Happy New Year my friends, Happy New Decade too.